Double thick pork chops, stuffed with wild rice, celery, onions, broccoli, plus apple and dried cranberry poached in Terremana tequila. Double baked potatoes with smoked aged cheddar and roasted garlic. I sliced 3/4 of the way through. Mixed the cooked wild rice with the sautéed diced onion, celery and broccoli florets. Then added the poached apple slices and cranberry. Let it cool a bit first. Then 3 large spoonful of stuffing spread in the sliced chop. Gently squeezed the edge together and held it with 3 toothpicks. Once they were cooked at 375 for 30 minutes, then broiled on high for 3 minutes for browning, I removed the toothpicks before plating. Baked the russet potatoes, scooped out the insides. Mixed that with 2 tablespoons of butter, shredded double smoked aged cheddar, topped with Beimister cheese.
One of the benefits of teaching the PREP class of grade 4 students at Holy Cross in Burnaby is that it is a great self reminder on what's important. Lent is a time of giving things up, but it's also about giving to others (as in Almsgiving). We made a class list of the students and each student was to put on the list something they were giving up and something they were going to do that was nice for someone else. They were kind of shy about it.... so after the first one, I put my own two up. 1) I am giving up Facebook for 40 days. Much harder than one would think. Not because I'm addicted to it, but more because I use it to post updates on my 90 day Planking challenge. But giving it up means not just NOT checking on other's updates, but also not updating my own status on their. There is a work around, I can post to Instagram which cross posts to Facebook. Not really cheating because I'm not accessing FB. 2) I promised to make mini cheesecakes for the Arthur Murra