Okay all of you Foodie Fans out there, are you ready for something completely different from this site? No? Me either, just kidding........ I have a contest for ya'll to check out. I will be presenting a randomly chosen blog buddy to receive a $20 gift code for an online store called CSN Online. All I ask you to do is to click on this link after leaving me a comment that you have done so. I will be checking with the store as I'm pretty sure that they can track this kind of thing. So if you leave me a comment that you clicked it and they say no, well, no entry. I know ya'll wouldn't do that to the cowboy chef/poet, but just in case I thought I'd better put the warning in there. So the place to go do some window shopping or real shopping is a place that has everything from pendant lighting to fantastic cookware. Check it out, leave a comment here and get entered to receive a $20 gift code to be used at their online store.